Alipes acquires EET Nordic Group from Capidea

3. december 2010

Stockholm and Copenhagen

The Danish private equity fund, Capidea, has divested its shareholding in EET Nordic Group A/S to Alipes, a Swedish investment company sponsored by Inter-IKEA and IKANO. The management team remains in place and continues to hold a minority stake in EET Nordic Group.

Erik Balleby Jensen, Partner at Capidea says: “The EET Nordic Group has continuously grown its earnings since Capidea acquired the Company and cemented its position as the leading European niche distributor of IT components. EET Nordic Group has strongly delivered on the business plan we agreed with management and reached a size exceeding the investment scope of Capidea. Accordingly Capidea has decided to divest our shareholdings in EET Nordic Group. We are sure that Alipes will be a strong owner and we wish EET Nordic Group continued success with its international expansion under the new ownership”.

“The aftermarket for IT components and spare parts is an exceptionally attractive market for us and EET Nordic Group is best positioned to consolidate this fast growing segment. The scalability of the Company’s business model and the resilience to economic downturns were the key investment attractions for us” says Gunnar Selving, Partner at Alipes.

“We are very impressed by this highly driven, focused and skilled management team and the solid Company they have built together with the employees. To get the opportunity to contribute to EET Nordic Group is very stimulating“ says Richard Silén, Partner at Alipes.

CEO in EET Nordic Group, John Skovbro Thomas, says: “With Alipes as new owners we have a strong platform which allows us to further accelerate our expansion in Europe”.

Nordea Corporate Finance has acted as financial advisor to Capidea.

About the EET Nordic Group

EET Nordic Group is a pan-European niche-distributor of IT components and spare parts. The Group is represented with offices in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, France, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Poland, Switzerland, Portugal, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Austria, and the UK. EET Nordic Group has existed in Denmark since 1988 and the Group currently has 230 employees throughout Europe.

EET Nordic Group represents a broad range of leading OEMs and electronics brands such as HP, Lexmark, IBM, Canon, Acer, Axis, Cisco, Synology, QNAP, Mobotix, IQeye, SamsungTechwin, ACTi, Sony, Sling Media, Sweex, Toshiba, MicroBattery, MicroMemory, MicroLamp, MicroStorage, MicroConnect, MicroScreen, Hitachi, Western Digital, IO Gear, Garmin, Kensington and many others.

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About Alipes

Alipes is an investment company sponsored by Inter IKEA and IKANO. Alipes invests in Nordic retail, distribution and consumer goods companies. Alipes operates out of Stockholm.

Om Capidea

Capidea er en dansk kapitalfond, der foretager langsigtede investeringer i konkurrencedygtige mindre og mellemstore danske virksomheder med potentiale for vækst. Capidea blev etableret i november 2006 og har kapitaltilsagn på i alt DKK 3,6 mia. fordelt på fire fonde. Capidea investerer i virksomheder inden for industri, handel, distribution, IT og service.


Alipes AB

Gunnar Selving, Partner
Richard Silén, Partner
Telephone: + 46 8 463 34 30

EET Nordic Group

John Skovbro Thomas
Telephone: +45 45821919


Erik Balleby Jensen
Mobil: +45 21 23 33 36
Capidea ikon

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