
Capidea icon - negative

We are a competent and experienced team with many years of expertise in law, finance, strategy, and private equity. We are dedicated to being the best support for our companies.

Our belives

Our goal is to be the best sparring partner for the companies we invest in. At Capidea, we are naturally curious and eager to continue learning about new companies. We aim to communicate our approach to value creation in an easily understandable way. Developing companies is a shared passion among all of us at Capidea. We are highly motivated to collaborate in realizing the potential of companies.

Who we are

Our team consists of individuals with extensive experience in buying, selling, and developing companies. A significant portion of the partnergroup has been working together since the establishment of Capidea. This has fostered a strong culture at Capidea. The partner group is a co-owner of Capidea and therefore are business owners themselves, understanding the challenges that arise in a growing company.

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Advisory board

Gert Eg
Lars Taarn Pedersen
CEO, SIC Holding
Martin Krogh Pedersen
former CEO, K.P. Components
Rikke Skov
CEO at Impero A/S, former partner at Odgers Berndtson and PwC
Thøger Hansen
Former partner at Capidea